日本財団 図書館


case of filing the report of activation date of an aerodrome under the provisions of Article 46 of the Law (including the case that applies accordingly to Article 56 of the Law), shall be as specified below:
(1)Name and address of the operator of the aerodrome;
(2)Location and name of the aerodrome;
(3)Activation date.


2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be applied accordingly to the case in which the Minister of Transport establishes an aerodrome.


(Notification of Alteration and Deactivation, etc.)
Article 91. The items for which a public notification shall be issued, in the case of either an alteration having been made to the notified items with reference to the aerodrome, or of deactivation, reactivation, or closure of the aerodrome, under the provisions of Article 46 of the Law (including the case that applies accordingly to Article 55-(2) paragraph 2 and to Article 56 of the Law), shall, in addition to the items specified in the preceding Article paragraph 1, item 1 and item 2, be as follows:
(1)Items altered, in the case of an alteration in the notified items;
(2)Proposed deactivation date and period, in the case of deactivation;
(3)Proposed date, in the case of reactivation or closure.


(Technical Criteria)
Article 92. The technical criteria prescribed under Article 47 paragraph 1 (including the case which applies accordingly to Article 55-(2) paragraph 2, and Article 56, of the Law) shall be as specified below:
(1)To maintain the aerodrome in conformity with the aerodrome establishment criteria provided under Article 79 (except the items provided in paragraph 1 item 2 of that Article);
(2)To maintain the aerodrome equipment in a functional condition by means of inspection and cleaning, etc.;
(3)In the case of ongoing repair work or any other construction work, to maintain aircraft maneuvering thereupon using the necessary markings, or any other appropriate measures;
(4)To post notification of prohibited acts at the aerodrome, as provided under Article 53 of the Law, in a manner that is easily visible;
(5)To provide markings or any other means to clarify the boundaries of a prohibited area as specified by Article 53 paragraph 3 of the Law, and also to keep any unauthorized person or vehicles from entering the area concerned;
(6)To provide the necessary rescue and fire fighting equipment to deal with an aircraft fire or any other accidents or incidents occurring at an aerodrome, and to take immediate and necessary actions to deal with any accidents which may occur.





